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Comments on: Idiots http://www.louisstone.com/wordpress/?p=29 A dissection of the issues affecting us all and what Candidate Stone intends to do about them. Thu, 13 Mar 2025 19:15:01 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.0.3 by: louis http://www.louisstone.com/wordpress/?p=29#comment-19 Tue, 07 Nov 2006 18:42:24 +0000 http://www.louisstone.com/wordpress/?p=29#comment-19 We spoke little of politics, but they were both firmly on the Duckworth bandwagon and wanted "big changes" in Congress. I'd characterize them as center-left. We spoke little of politics, but they were both firmly on the Duckworth bandwagon and wanted “big changes” in Congress. I’d characterize them as center-left.

by: RLP http://www.louisstone.com/wordpress/?p=29#comment-11 Thu, 02 Nov 2006 21:46:19 +0000 http://www.louisstone.com/wordpress/?p=29#comment-11 Hmm...runaway spending habits with an eye towards minor tax breaks. If these people aren't the definition of today's Republican mindset, I don't know what is. Hmm…runaway spending habits with an eye towards minor tax breaks. If these people aren’t the definition of today’s Republican mindset, I don’t know what is.
