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Comments on: Same crap… different speaker… http://www.louisstone.com/wordpress/?p=36 A dissection of the issues affecting us all and what Candidate Stone intends to do about them. Thu, 13 Mar 2025 19:32:25 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.0.3 by: Paulie http://www.louisstone.com/wordpress/?p=36#comment-128 Tue, 16 Jan 2007 18:47:26 +0000 http://www.louisstone.com/wordpress/?p=36#comment-128 Glad to see you revamping your 2012 Presidential bid with commentary on pressing issues. Hypocrisy and corruption does not know any single political party. What is comical and sad is the lack of media attention this story has received. If Denny Hastert pulled the same rabbit out of his hat, Chris Matthews and his Sunday morning hate America gang wouldn't shut up about it. The New York Times would be running it on the front page, but Pelosi is a Democrat so she is exempt from criticism. Democrat or Republican Tom Delay or Nancy Pelosi, most of them care about re-election money before they care about the good of the people. Here tenure as Speaker has failure written all over it. Monday I was at work and she was speaking on the boob tube and immediately the people in the room where ripping her apart. The iroony is that I was the only conservative in the room. Glad to see you revamping your 2012 Presidential bid with commentary on pressing issues. Hypocrisy and corruption does not know any single political party. What is comical and sad is the lack of media attention this story has received. If Denny Hastert pulled the same rabbit out of his hat, Chris Matthews and his Sunday morning hate America gang wouldn’t shut up about it. The New York Times would be running it on the front page, but Pelosi is a Democrat so she is exempt from criticism.

Democrat or Republican Tom Delay or Nancy Pelosi, most of them care about re-election money before they care about the good of the people. Here tenure as Speaker has failure written all over it. Monday I was at work and she was speaking on the boob tube and immediately the people in the room where ripping her apart. The iroony is that I was the only conservative in the room.
